Ingrid Michaelson “The Way I Am” Ukulele Tab

Ukulele tab for "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson. Learn to play "The Way I Am" on ukulele with my ukulele tab preview video and ukulele tab. Page one is a free download and the remaining page can be purchased in the Store for $2.00. My ukulele tab arrangement [...]

Ingrid Michaelson “The Way I Am” Ukulele Tab2017-08-09T17:10:33-07:00

Shawn Mendes “The Weight” Ukulele Tab by Jeffrey Thomas

Get ready for Shawn Mendes "The Weight" Ukulele Tab coming soon to my online ukulele tab archive.  Please send me a message if you would like free page one updates.  I will be following the acoustic guitar track from the recording and copying the strum patterns and chords. I think [...]

Shawn Mendes “The Weight” Ukulele Tab by Jeffrey Thomas2017-09-09T20:51:09-07:00

Bruddah IZ “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” Ukulele Tab

Bruddah IZ "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" Ukulele Tab by Israel Kamakawiwio'ole AKA "Bruddah IZ".  His Hawaiian name translates into "The Fearless Eyed" and I am finally getting around to writing his highly requested version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow.  He used a ukulele with a low G on the recording [...]

Bruddah IZ “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” Ukulele Tab2015-11-10T16:19:31-08:00
