“Billie Jean”

Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean free bass tab.  Learn to play the licks and song structure from the original recording with my free pop bass tab.  I have written the intro, bridge and added some chords to make the bass line even fuller.  Also included in the tab are all five pentatonic patterns for the key of F# minor.  Enjoy learning to play this classic Michael Jackson tune with my bass tab and video preview.  Want the full bass tab for free?  Just send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for online pop bass lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype bass lesson today.

Billie Jean Free Bass Tab

“Billie Jean” became a huge success!  It was one of the best-selling singles of 1983 and is one of the best selling singles worldwide.  Browse my Bass Tab Archives and Bass Video Archives for more bass lessons, tabs, tips and tricks.

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