“The Only Exception”

Free bass lesson for “The Only Exception” a great ballad by Paramore!  Learn to play “The Only Exception” on bass with my free video and tab.  I have written the verse, chorus, bridge and vocal melody notated in tablature with rhythmic values & chord diagrams and time markers from the original recording. C#m, B and F# chords, C#m7 and C# Dorian mode.  Want the full bass tab for free?  Just send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for online bass lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype bass lesson today!

The Only Exception Free Bass Tab

This great ballad by Paramore made it to Billboard’s Hot 100 and has been the band’s most successful single to date.  Check out my ever expanding online bass tab archive for more cool, unique bass material.

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