“Give Life Back To Music”

Daft Punk Give Life Back To Music Free Guitar Tab by Jeffrey Thomas.  Just page one so far for this killer retro disco style track.  I needed to put the tuning in Drop D to get the intro synth line playable. I am pretty convinced that the track has been speed up in the final mix.  There is no live footage of Nile Rodgers actually playing this song.  After listening closely to the track at half speed I decided to play the main guitar lick as I have it written.  Want the guitar tab for free?  Just send in your email address on the form provided.  Looking to improve your funk guitar playing?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up a free Skype guitar lesson.

Daft Punk Give Life Back To Music Free Guitar Tab

The French electronic music duo hires Nile Rodgers and Paul Jackson Jr. to put some real guitar back into their music.  Make sure to check out my free online guitar lessons on the tab, video and blog pages.

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Free Daft Punk Guitar Tab For Give Life Back To Music
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