“Study In E Minor”

Francisco Tarrega Study In E Minor Classical Guitar Tab by Jeffrey Thomas.  I have many students who are interested in learning classical guitar but have a learning block with reading music.  My answer to that is for the student to concentrate on their rhythmic reading.  Look for tabs that have the proper rhythmic values included.  This study by Tarrega is basic and stays very consistent with triplets.  The right hand pattern is also very consistent so it’s a great choice.  Want the full guitar tab for free?  Send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for online classical guitar lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype lesson today!

Francisco Tarrega Study In E Minor Classical Guitar Tab

Tarrega is one of the composers responsible for laying the foundation for 20th century classical guitar.  Find more free online guitar tabs on my video, blog and tab pages.

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Francisco Tarrega Study In E Minor Free Guitar Tab
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