“The Mandalorian”

The Mandalorian Free Guitar Tab by Jeffrey Thomas.  I have had many guitar students request this tune lately for some reason so here it is!  I started writing at .46 in from the original theme.  My goal was to get the melody and some of the bass lines to keep it complete.  There is a very interesting time signature change and rubato feel happening at the 4th line of my tab.  As always my video walk through will help explain the notation and offer good practice tips!  Want the full guitar tab for free?  Send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for great online guitar lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up a lesson today.

The Mandalorian Free Guitar Tab

The Mandalorian is a American Space Western streaming television series on Disney+.  Find more free online guitar tabs on my blog, video and lesson pages!

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The Mandalorian Theme Free Guitar Tab
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