“I Ain’t Worried”

I Ain’t Worried Free Guitar Tab by Jeffrey Thomas.  Love this tune!  Lots of my students have requested this since the last Top Gun: Maverick movie came out.  I noticed the very first guitar part in the into is down to Drop D.  The video lesson explains how to get that tuning as well as all the cool licks, song structure and chords.  This is a big tune for OneRepublic and it fits the movie perfectly.  Want the full guitar tab for free?  Just send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for online guitar lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your first class today.

I Ain’t Worried Free Guitar Tab

OneRepbulic was the only band to present a original song for the film!  Find more free online guitar tabs on my blog, video and tab pages.

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OneRepublic I Ain't Worried Free Guitar Tab
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