“Ukulele Anthem”

Learn to play “Ukulele Anthem” by Amanda Palmer with my free Ukulele Anthem tab.  I have written out this chords and unique 16th note rhythm gallops that Amanda uses in this comic song about ukulele playing.  She is using a pick on the version I followed but you can do the same gallop with regular strumming.  There are a few odd extended verses based on the lyrics and I have those notated.  Most of my students who work on this tune need help placing the vocal more than the actual playing technique.  Want the full ukulele tab for free?  Just send in your email address using the form provided.  Looking for the best online ukulele lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype ukulele lesson today.

Ukulele Anthem Tab

Learn this classic, epic tribute to the Ukulele with my unique tab arrangement.  Spend some time browsing through my online ukulele tab archives for more one of a kind ukulele arrangements.

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