
Jack Johnson Breakdown Free Ukulele Tab by Jeffrey Thomas.  Learn all the right chords, licks and song structure with my free ukulele tab.  To play this tune right you will learn to blend fingerpicking with strumming as well as the ending solo licks.  The tab also includes all 5 pentatonic scales for the key of C so you can start improvising of the chord progression.  Enter your email address to receive the full ukulele tab free!  Looking to improve your ukulele playing?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype ukulele lesson today!

Jack Johnson Breakdown Free Ukulele Tab

“Breakdown” was written by Jack on a train ride from Paris to Hossegor a famous surf spot in France.  Check out more great online ukulele tabs on my blog, video and tab pages.

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Jack Johnson Ukulele Tab
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