“Sweet Spot”

Ooklah The Moc “Sweet Spot” reggae bass lesson.  This bass line has a great reggae feel with 32nd & 16th note bounce to it.  Many of my bass student who like reggae enjoy learning this song.  Want the full bass tab for free?  Just send in your email address using the form provided and I’ll send it to you.  Looking for online reggae bass lessons?  Fill out the Schedule A Free Lesson form to set up your free Skype bass lesson today.

Ooklah The Moc “Sweet Spot” Reggae Bass Lesson

Ooklah The Moc is a roots reggae band from Hawaii and their name comes from a cartoon known as Thundarr The Barbarian.  Check out my free video bass lesson archive or my bass tabs page for more cool, unique bass lessons, tabs, tips and tricks.

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