Looking for a quality resource for ultimate ukulele tabs, chords, songs and lessons?  Jeffrey Thomas has created a very unique collection of ukulele tabs for all levels of players.  Find detailed arrangements in handwritten tabs for a wide variety of artists and genres like pop ukulele, jazz ukulele, country ukulele, technique studies, rock ukulele, folk ukulele, blues ukulele, music theory, reading studies, ukulele lessons and more!

Free Ukulele Tabs, Chords, Songs and Lessons

The ukulele tab archive is updated every week with fresh new tabs and direct access to great material for all levels of ukulele players so make sure to bookmark the page.  Ukulele tab requests are invited so if you don’t find what you are looking for make sure to contact Jeff.  Please enjoy my browsing my ukulele tabs and schedule your free Skype ukulele lesson today!